The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14, NIV)

And the Lord said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”  (Exodus 33:17, NIV)

Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.”  (Exodus 33:18, NIV)

The series of verses above clearly states us that God guides us in our adventures, explorations and discoveries. As said in 2 Timothy 1:7, He gave us the Spirit of Power, Love and Self-Discipline. Same with Moses. Their generation was spared from the plaques and was shown more miracles. 

But Moses didn't stop there. Instead of thinking about himself and the Israelites, instead of asking for more blessings, there is one thing that he placed on top priority.

God's glory. He wants to see Steve Jobs more than an Apple Ipad. He wasn't satisfied in a fraction, he wants more.

He wants to see his Creator.

This is what God wants us to do. Ask for His Glory to shine!

Let's say that a ship is in the verge of sinking in the middle of the sea, you and your family are almost drowning in the deep waters and there is a lifeboat with its pilot on it. Your strength is almost zero. You begun to realize that there is no hope.

Do you want your lifeboat pilot to be silent? To say nothing? No! You want to shout, "WHERE ARE YOU? CAN YOU ADD VOLUME SO WE CAN HEAR YOU! OR BLINK YOUR FLASHLIGHT SO WE CAN SEE IT!" 

In biblical terms, you want to see his glory. "Don't worry, I am strong, I can save you and your family, you will not drown."

Same with our Savior. Same with God. We live in a world with a sea of guilt, foolishness, anger etc. We are drowning. But God can save us. We need His Words. We need to see God's glory.

You are saved, you are in the lifeboat. Now what will you do, just sit and wait? No! Your family is still there, your friends, your classmates, your relatives. If you are saved, there is one natural thing that we do, "Guys, where are you! There is a lifeboat over here! It can hold us! It can save us! There is a capable pilot in here! He is strong!"

We declare God's preeminence. We promote God. We tell others what He has done for us. That we can be pulled up on this world of misery.

Passengers promote the Pilot. They don't glorify themselves. They glorify the Savior. It is not about us, it is about Him. Only Him.

Everything is happening for Him. Why do we prosper? Why do we suffer? Why do we live in this world?

One Answer: For Him.

Have you not brought this upon yourself by forsaking the LORD your God, when he led you in the way? ~ Jer. 2:17 (ESV)

We live in a world full of extremes. Emphasize on responsibilities, slavery will prevail. Focus on human rights, everything is always someone else's fault.

The truth is, we live in a fallen world. Each of us deepened the fall that everyone experience struggle. The society is flavored with rebellion as we ourselves are rebels. The verse earlier tells us that one way or another, everyone has forsaken our Lord, the one that would have led us in the way we should go.

We like to point our fingers to those who are worse sinners than we are, and we like to point out that they can't be saved. That is our human nature. Judgmental. But the Bible never invites us to that.

In fact, it teaches us to remember that we are also a part of the Fall. But I'm not saying that we should take the blame ourselves. It is just that we should realize that all our suffering comes from the condition of a fallen world - a condition we helped create.

Finger pointing is unhealthy. It breaks relationships. It crushes trust. Never ever point a finger on others. Instead, offer your hands to help others. Not just because of obedience. But because we love them.

We can do this. For we are sons and daughters of God. Love each other as He loved us. 
You didn't choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last... ~ John 15:16, NIV

Hiatus, word pertaining to a gap or interruption, is the best word to describe what happened to me last 2 weeks. This past 2 weeks have been rough. I was bombarded with temptations: internet, anime series, television and etc. that led me in a spiritual idleness. For some reason, I resorted more on activities that didn't glorify God, eventually leading to less quiet times to none at all.

I stopped blogging for another week due to this. It doesn't work, I said. I blog because I was called to do it. Yet, by saying that these things didn't make me faithful to my QTs is a problem. It is like saying to God that, "Your call is not sufficient," or "You are the one who led me to this."

What seems to be the calling became an obligation to me. It is as if my world should revolve on blogging about my faith.

What I did is not healthy. Instead of going up and moving on, I thought that having a mistake should make me quit.

Lucky that my God doesn't change. Lucky that the God who accepted me when I raised my hands in the altar call is still the God that wants me to feel His embrace and just repent.

So do we need to strive so that we can be fruitful? The world says yes. But God says no. For Jesus, as He said on John 15, we should remain in Him. Back to the Vine. Back to the Savior. No need for an obligation to be favorable in His eyes. Have a relationship with Jesus.

Not as a servant, but as a friend. :) For everything that He learned from the Father, Jesus made known to us. (John 15:15, NIV) :)


    God-loving.God-fearing.Grade Conscious.Boxing Fanatic.Bookworm.


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